
本章代码对应 commit :ca94d49d69c18ce2925e3949d718cd74ddc3432c


在 linux 中,ls, cd, pwd 等命令,其实都是可执行程序。这里我们创建一个简单的 hello 程序:

// in usr/rust/src/bin/hello.rs


extern crate rust;

pub fn main() -> i32 {
    println!("Hello world!");
    return 0;


// in usr/rust/src/bin/shell.rs


extern crate alloc;

extern crate rust;

use rust::io::getc;
use rust::syscall::sys_exec;
use alloc::string::String;

const LF: u8 = 0x0au8;
const CR: u8 = 0x0du8;

// IMPORTANT: Must define main() like this
pub fn main() -> i32 {
    println!("Rust user shell");
    let mut line: String = String::new();
    print!(">> ");
    loop {
        let c = getc();
        match c {
            LF | CR => {
                if !line.is_empty() {
                print!(">> ");
            _ => {
                print!("{}", c as char);
                line.push(c as char)

// in usr/rust/bin/shell.rs

pub fn sys_exec(path : *const u8) {
    sys_call(SyscallId::Exec, path as usize, 0, 0, 0);

enum SyscallId {
    Exec = 221,

用户程序将输入的字符串的指针作为参数传给 os ,os 需要将其转换回字符串,再进行处理:

pub const SYS_EXEC: usize = 221;

pub fn syscall(id: usize, args: [usize;3], tf: &mut TrapFrame) -> isize {
    match id {
        SYS_EXEC => {
            sys_exec(args[0] as *const u8);
        _ => {
            panic!("unknown syscall id {}", id);
    return 0;

pub unsafe fn from_cstr(s: *const u8) -> &'static str {
    use core::{slice, str};
    let len = (0usize..).find(|&i| *s.add(i) == 0).unwrap();
    str::from_utf8(slice::from_raw_parts(s, len)).unwrap()

fn sys_exec(path : *const u8) -> isize {
    process::excute(unsafe{ from_cstr(path) });
    return 0;

执行程序的代码在 process::init 中其实已经有了哦,就是创建 shell 的部分:

// in process/mod.rs

pub fn excute(name : &str) {
    println!("excutint program: {}", name);
    let data = ROOT_INODE
    let thread = unsafe{ Thread::new_user(data.as_slice()) };

pub fn init() {
    println!("+------ now to initialize process ------+");
    let scheduler = Scheduler::new(1);
    let thread_pool = ThreadPool::new(100, scheduler);
    println!("+------ now to initialize processor ------+");
    CPU.init(Thread::new_idle(), Box::new(thread_pool));


一些 bug

发现了一些以前写的 bug :

  1. 在 alloc tid 的时候,通过 threads[id].is_none() 判断 id 是否被分配,但是程序 exit 的时候并没有将其还原为 None 。所以需要进行一些修改:

    pub fn ThreadPool::exit(&mut self, tid: Tid, code: usize) {
        self.threads[tid] = None;
        println!("exit code: {}", code);
    pub fn ThreadPool::retrieve(&mut self, tid: Tid, thread: Box<Thread> ) {
        if (self.threads[tid].is_none()) {
  2. rust/src/lang_items.rs 中,程序结束调用 sys_exit(0) ,返回值被写死了,应该改为:

    fn rust::lang_items::main() -> usize {
      panic!("No main() linked");
    pub extern "C" fn rust::lang_items::_start(_argc: isize, _argv: *const *const u8) -> ! {

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""